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Aged Care

Committed to providing a comprehensive service to help you help your residents

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Air Liquide Healthcare has over 30 years of proven experience in providing medical products and services for oxygen and related accessories to Aged Care Facilities throughout Australia.

We understand that your top priority in aged care is to provide a high level of care to residents. Managing the services within your facility is complex and challenging. That’s why we’ve developed products and solutions to make this job easier for you. Our qualified staff are committed to providing your facilities with the very best service and products with a focus on education, therapy initiation, equipment services and innovative products. We can train your staff and provide ongoing maintenance and support so the equipment is ready to use when you need it most, and you can focus on the most important people – your residents. 


Air Liquide Healthcare is accredited to ISO 9001
We aim to provide our customers in the continuum of care from hospital to home with medical products and services that contribute to enhancing quality of life protecting vulnerable lives. in order to achieve this, we stand for:

Active long-term partnership
We are passionate about working closely with our customers engaging with the healthcare community to drive dialogue and action for continued improvement.

Innovative and integrated solutions for better Healthcare
We leverage our global capabilities and expertise to design and deliver high-quality products and services in medical gases and Home Healthcare.

Anticipating challenges
We seek insight into the most important challenges facing the Healthcare community,  enabling us to proactively find the most relevant and efficient solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to change a regulator?

In service or online education resources are available.

Please remember to never force a regulator to fit a cylinder. Cylinders & regulators have a specific pin index, which match when using the right equipment, this is dependant on the gas type.

Call Air Liquide Healthcare if further support is required 1300 36 02 02

How long will the cylinders last?

This depends on the patients prescribed flow rate.

Typically a large cylinder (E) would last 34 hours at a flow rate of 2 L/min.

How often are concentrators serviced?

Typically concentrators are serviced every 6 months.

It is a requirement for staff to check concentrators that have an inbuilt filter.

How often are concentrator filters cleaned?

This is normally done on a fortnightly basis

How to safely transport / store E size cylinders in the Facility?

Oxygen cylinders should always be transported with care and with the appropriate trolley/carry bag.

The E cylinder should be moved using an appropriate cylinder trolley only.

Cylinders should not be stored without a trolley/wall restraint in place.

How do OCDs work and how long will the cylinder last?

The OCD (oxygen conservation device) provides a pulse of oxygen at the beginning of inspiration.

When the patient is exhaling no oxygen is provided.

Using OCD’s can extend the duration of the cylinder content by up to 7 times providing economic and user benefits.

Minimum flow rates for masks?

When using oxygen with a standard oxygen mask (Hudson), flows below 6 L/min will allow for a buildup of CO2 in the mask.

We would not recommend the use of the Hudson mask at flow rates below 6 L/min. We also recommend that the facility comply with the prescription of the physician.

Please refer to your referring physician regarding any implementation or change in flow setting for prescribed oxygen therapy.

Difference between cylinder oxygen and concentrator oxygen from patients perspective?

Oxygen therapy is provided via a mask or a cannula.

As a result oxygen is always blended with room air. Both oxygen sources provide a therapeutic dosage in accordance with the physicians prescription.

In some cases patients may notice a difference in the oxygen source. Our representative can discuss this with you on a case by case basis.

What adaptor is needed to go with Trache mask?

There are a number of specialised products and masks available for oxygen administration for tracheostomy patients.

We would be pleased to review these with you on request - Contact Us

When should Twin-o-vac filters be changed?

The bacterial filter of the Twin-o-Vac should be changed between patients or in the event that the filter is contaminated (wet).

Our representative can discuss this with you.