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Sabre Ease II

Emergency analgesic supply system.
The New Sabre EASE II portable and pipeline systems provide a compact low resistance method of self-administering gas for pain management.

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Air Liquide Healthcare has over 20 years of proven experience in providing medical gases and associated equipment to the Australian market. Our highly-qualified staff strive to serve all of our patients and customers as professionally, effectively and efficiently as possible.

The New Sabre EASE II portable and pipeline systems provide a compact low resistance method of self-administering gas for pain management. The EASE II demand valve is constructed in a way that creates minimal breathing resistance to the patient and can deliver high flows when required.

For greater user comfort the EASE II is both smaller and lighter than the original Sabre EASE. The new ‘Easy Grip’ handle is another user friendly addition.

Demand Valve

Gas N2O/O2, O2
Material Polycarbonate, silicone, rubber, stainless steel
Dimensions 50 × 50 × 63 mm
Weight 0,085 kg
Gas supply Requirement 2,8 to 7,0 bar at >200 L/min
Inspiratory resistance (At 2,8 bar supply press.) Cracking 0,15-0,2 kPa
-0,2 kPa at 10 L/min
-0,7 kPa at 200 L/min
Expiratory resistance  Cracking Zero 
At flow +0,35 kPa 
at 120 L/min
Operating temperature  -20°C tp +60°C used Oxygen
+5°C to +40°C used 50/50 N2O/O2
Storage temperature -30°C to +60°C

Hose assembly

Connection Probes by the national standards
Working pressure 7 bar
Burst pressure 44 bar
Material PVC, anti-static in accordance with ISO 5359
Weight 0,5kg (3m length)
Manufacturer GCE, s.r.o, Žižkova 381, 583 81 Chotěboř, CZ
CE - marking CE0434