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Sleep Diagnostics

Timely diagnosis of your patient’s Sleep Apnea is important to prevent complications. Uncomplicated cases may be suitable for a home sleep test while complex cases may require full nocturnal polysomnography in a sleep clinic.

Our Sleep Diagnostic Services

Air Liquide Healthcare believes that Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a serious yet under diagnosed condition with severe impacts if left untreated. To maximise patient outcomes, we provide an end-to-end solution for the diagnosis and treatment of OSA. We facilitate diagnostic testing from the comfort of your home, provide therapy products and services in our clinics and offer long term patient support services by professionals.

Sleep study data are sent to independent sleep physicians who interpret and report on the results also providing treatment recommendations to assist in patient management.

A CPAP therapy prescription can be fulfilled through one of our many clinic locations across Australia.

Home Testing

Home-based sleep studies are an ideal first line diagnostic tool for patients at risk of sleep apnea.

When a description of the symptoms points to obvious sleep apnea, referring your patient for a home sleep test may be appropriate. On the day of the test, your patient will meet with a qualified Sleep Technician who will explain the test, take a thorough medical history and educate the patient regarding sleep apnea.

An independent sleep specialist will confirm the necessity for the sleep study based on your patient’s clinical history, symptoms and co-morbidities, analyse the sleep study data and write a report on the results afterwards. The report includes treatment and management recommendations for those patients who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. A copy of the report will be made available to you.

Patient comfort during testing

Patients can find the equipment used for both home and in-lab testing, with all its wires and tubes, a little intimidating. They may require some reassurance that the testing process is not unduly uncomfortable and most patients manage to fall asleep normally.