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Value Based Healthcare (VBHC)

At Air Liquide Healthcare we are close to patients and we understand their needs. We consider them as people first and patients second. Our ambition is to deliver outcomes that matter to them.

A global approach

Our 30 years of expertise have taught us that putting patients at the centre of everything we do, as people, is the only way forward for a more valuable and sustainable version of healthcare.

Our teams across the world currently serve 1.8 million patients with chronic diseases who are treated at home and outside hospitals. We see their desire for quality of life and for outcomes that really represent value to them.

Air Liquide Healthcare is willing to work alongside all healthcare stakeholders to shift from the current healthcare model to a value-based model (as described by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Teisberg). This means collectively working around what matters to patients, making the care more valuable and cost effective.

In all our regions we offer optimal quality of care that benefits patients, healthcare professionals and the healthcare system as a whole.

With 16,300 employees worldwide, Air Liquide Healthcare is a major world player in healthcare, an expert in chronic diseases follow-up at home and new places of care, and a supplier of services and medical gas solutions for hospitals.

We are ready to work with others in shifting towards a new model of healthcare. We already play a key role in aligning all stakeholders around value.

Above all we share in that compelling ambition: better outcomes that matter to patients.



1. Patients at the centre

At Air Liquide Healthcare, we see patients as people who should be at the heart of everything caregivers do. Putting the patient at the centre will allow us to focus on value and what really matters to them.

2. Patients are more than their illness

Even when patients are suffering from chronic conditions they still want to get on with their lives as normally as possible. After all, patients are people with specific expectations.

3. Personalised care, not standard care

Air Liquide Healthcare’s combined human and digital approach allows us to offer more personalised care pathways. Too often, standardised care does not

match what patients really value and their specific needs.

4. Better allocation of care, not more care

We want to offer quality of care over quantity of services. By allocating resources to services that are adding value, we deliver more valuable and cost-efficient pathways. This makes healthcare more sustainable and affordable in the long term.

5. Partnerships as a preference

Patients will benefit when all stakeholders come together around outcomes that are valuable. We cooperate closely with all those touched by the medical mission of healthcare professionals and institutions.

6. Switching from fee-for-service to fee-for-value

In a service-based system, providers are required to charge a fee-for-service. At Air Liquide Healthcare we believe that providers can instead charge for what is beneficial to achieve patient outcomes, with new reimbursement models based on fee-for-value.

Putting the patient at the centre to make healthcare more valuable and sustainable for everyone